Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Graphic Design Animation

Before I discuss the definition of animated graphic design, it's better we are  understanding the first definition about graphic design itself, according to my understanding  graphic design is a solid technologi artwork is applied in the form of visual communication that should have comprehensive impact, so that the public or consumers understand the message that is displayed by the designer. So as to provide information on target and try to form a visual message should be as interesting may thus make consumers curious and wanted to try the product or service being offered.

In the field of graphic design required a designer to create a design that is as attractive as possible image so that the design has been created in the form of visual communication is capable of being a message that makes consumer interest and focus on the message that has been made so that the target will be achieved as the company wants. To achieve all the necessary visual skills, image processing, layout, typography, photography and others.

Ok.... now we directly to the theme of the beginning of what graphic design animation, according to my graphic design animation is a series of still images are made one by one according to a sequence of images that after so then combined using a specific time duration so the order the image combined and executed will look like live cartoon in
television or the theatre as we often see for this is what is called animation.

To generate a good artistic value and appreciated by the public are required for animation designer create a visual image that is unique and never before it. so community who will see to feel curious and want see it. So that ideas, concepts, solicitation to the public would get the message.

As befits the information conveyed in oral form that can be delivered explicitly, cheerful, hard, soft, jokes, formal and so forth, using style and sound volume adjusted. We can feel myself after reading writing, viewing photos or illustration, if your inner atmosphere affected the animation designer the already managed to make a good and quality work.

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