Friday, May 15, 2015

Definition The Company and The Consumer in the World Graphic Design

Household production or also called company or manufacturer, Company in the world
Graphic Design is a group of people who make and supply needs in terms of making sticker, sticker greenhouse, offset, packaging and so on.

Overall, the role of household production in economic activities is as follows:

1. Producers: namely household production that produces goods or services required by household consumption as well as product sales abroad.

2. Users Factor: to be able to produce goods and services, the company needs various factors of production of natural resources or raw materials, capital, labor and expertise Companies get factors of production of household consumption, and for the company the cost in the form of payments to household consumption in the form of rent, wages, capital interest or the distribution of profit. A company that produces results sticker printing, packaging and other will search for raw materials in the form of sticker material, vinyl and other papers, and he also takes the workers who can produce sticker shapes and packaging design that is perfect, for it  the companies courage to sacrifice to make the payment of salaries to its employees.

3. Development Agent: Agent means is helper, meaning domestic production, while agents development has an idea that household production that helps the government in development activities, such as employment opportunities, build infrastructure, employee welfare, enhance human resources and so on.

4. Household consumption: which is commonly referred to as consumers, consumers are households undertake activities to meet the needs of consumption, household consumption of goods and services requires which by the manufacturer, acquired Reception household consumption of household production are wages, rent, and earnings, will be spent and channeled back to the manufacturer. This expenditure is called the "cost of consumption"
besides household consumption is a supplier of production factors such as raw materials, capital, labor, skill.

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