Thursday, May 7, 2015

Cutting Sticker Definition

Cutting Sticker is a technique of cutting sticker design or image with techniques tailored to the specific design desired by the customer, and material often used for the manufacture of cutting sticker itself among material Texture, Scotlight and vinyl where these materials is intended for the manufacture of cutting sticker, sticker where the technique of making itself very stressed to Pattern design and customized colors upon customer request.

Functions of Cutting Sticker
Usually used by a company for the purposes of their company and to Ads promote their business to the public or other companies associated with the company's business, where cutting sticker design can be in paste in glasses, interior walls, billboards, neonbox, private vehicles, and can also for promotion of our own.

Why should the sticker?
Because the sticker is used in accordance with the wishes of the customer and materials
used more durable compared to other similar materials, and not least because the material used is more durable than the hot sun and rain, and the color will not fade due
printing does not use ink.

The materials used materials
There are several kinds of materials used for the manufacture of cutting sticker including:
Vinyl, Scotlight, Glitter, Dry Carbon and Tranparant. And most often used is the type Scotlight because these materials can be reflect light that looks sparkling.

Hope can help the reader understanding what it was cutting sticker itself, and thank
you for taking your reading this simple article ... greetings.

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