Thursday, May 28, 2015

Tips for those who want to market products via the Internet

Hallo friends....In this post I will give you a few tips on currently have products for marketed through the internet just still confused how to market, Ok my first suggestion to you who have product and want to market it through the Internet, the first thing you should do is find out in advance how large market demand for the product you want to sell, do market research through search engines.

In order for satisfactory results of your research type the name of your flagship product or target market related to your product, then do research on how large the market demand for your product, if this means a lot of opportunities very good for your business, then proceed with creating a website and sell the manuscript so that consumers who are was looking for a product that they want to be able to directly understand the product you are selling, also is no less important your website the better the eyes of search engines.

And contrary to your interest in the product does not exist, do not worry you can still do something to stay can sell your own products, the Internet is where the greatness of this extraordinary. For example, the example I has printing and I want to sell my products of that sticker printing glass, after I did market research surprisingly little interest in my products on the Internet, and whether just to be here immediately stop trying. Oh's not the soul of a powerful businessman, as a businessman it is required to always be creative in life.

For that we should be more specific, we must examine the people who are interested in products and services us, or what is related to printing. For example, is associated with advertising printing. packaging and others, of words that relate to printing that I've found two related keywords that Advertising and Packaging and for both keywords just happened to have a lot of its target audience, please be searching on the internet for both.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Simple Marketing Strategies

This paper is going to tell you about a lot of ideas, what can you developed through the Internet, and of course the main goal gave the advantage to all of you. There are a few questions from some friends who ask it to me via email, or phone both questions is:

1. Friends, I would like to conduct business via the Internet, but I do not have a product to         sell roughly is there I can do?

2. Friend, I have a product, can I market via the Internet, and how What may be no buyers?

Apparently there are still many people who confuse anything that they can sell on the Internet, and many also people who do not know whether the product can be sold via the Internet. And I actually answer any product can be sold via the Internet, for example those of you who do not have a product, you may be able to market a product by joining one of the world merchant by joining through the program affiliatenya, by joining the merchant you can market their products and of course get a commission from the sale of goods or products you are selling them successful.

And vice versa for those of you who have their own products, you can open its own affiliate program that those who do not have a product to help sell your products to market and return You will give the commission as agreed at the beginning when they managed to sell you the product.

And special for both of them, those who have the product and those who do not have their own products I have a simple tips which if you look at it will affect your online business further. Firstly for those of you who do not have their own products for sale on the internet!
you have to do first of all try to stay focused on the target market that you like such topics
and also the target market.

Try not to work on two topics at the same time, just start with one topic and focus in it
then develop due to one topic only require a long time to develop.

Confused by what you have to sell and what you should do! no info and also no directing, I myself have experienced it, I first just bandwagon of the online marketer with based on some topics that were crowded at that time, and what happened in the end I do not focus on one goal like a ship adrift in the middle of the ocean is not clear direction and purpose.

So what happens next? We will of course get bored and give up when we caused difficulty you have no desire to sell the product, because the goal we actually only money and it turned out very well.

Based on the little experience, there are two good strategy on how to get money via the internet in the long term.

1. Do research, ask yourself what exactly a hobby that we like, if it is discovered answer and     define the target market!
2. Promote our own hobbies, and make our hobby as a part of a business.

The first do some research for yourself for example, we delighted with the gardening, look how big target market was in a world of gardening, because it's useless if you market products but the target market is sought does not exist, Try you understand and cater to what the market wants because it is also very important because it will determine the course the large or small income will you get on the market.

Which both promote our hobby sendir in the market, because the market a product that we like we will not be never feel bored in doing so. waktupun not an obstacle even mean because we are a hobby with these products. And more importantly, of course, we will never get bored and give up when we encounter difficulties on the contrary we will feel curious with these obstacles and try to be happy to solve the problem, as well as in Internet Marketing.

Not infrequently the offline world many people are very potential for a particular hobby but they can not distribute the hobby because of the circumstances at hand, It's sample environmental factors around which does not allow it to develop their own hobbies into a business that means.

But thanks to the Internet media all the difficulties it has not too influential because we can market the products of our hobby itself without limit, and this is a great advantage of this modern age and the future of course there will always be innovation the latest innovations to improve the technology better and more sophisticated in the future.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

How can I sell a product or service quality

One of the most effective strategies in marketing products or services on the Internet is to sell a product or service quality, so we sell products qualified then the visitors will please our website and of course they will linger in our web, they will look around and search for products or services is in the website, if it has a lot of visitors who see and know the products we marketed course advantage will be even greater come to us, it's a requirement for all we have to sell or market a quality product, of course.

And the key to attract visitors to our web please and will linger inside we must take care to solve the problems they face. And we also should be able to understand that most people who have problems will be looking for people who can be trusted to seek solutions and solve problems they encounter.

Do not become a consumer mentality because it will be difficult to develop and progress in the online world because consumers themselves actually spoiled child, mentally they always want to be served and often only think about yourself. May already be familiar to you all with sentences sentence as follows:

- Make me where?
- What will I get?
- How much money will I earn?

And so I ... I ... and I? sentences this is what I mean by mental consumer and keep mentally like that if you really want to exist in the online business. When we do something good for others and help solve their problems, with easy to gain the trust of them, and when it is getting trust it with easier it will come with its own money.

In fact....lots of people are having trouble finding and determine what is right for business
developed through the internet, actually now a lot of web-web that provide machine seekers who can help us develop business ideas that we like and how big existing target market, all that you can find on search engines, you can try it there.

From the results we can develop an idea for example like this:
I would buy a domain with a graphic design theme, then I will make a portal site where I can give free tips for those who want to pursue and learn the art of graphic design, I will also make the newsletter free for visitors on how simple systems work in graphic design and how to solve problems faced.

Do not forget I also will make a special forum for people who are happy with graphic design art work, so that everyone who joined in it will communicate in it, and I own position ourselves as professionals at the forum. And the main purpose of all that, I also will sell products such as logo design, cutting sticker, packaging design and others.

Not hard right, so start for the beginners play with the keywords that you aim to define the target market the specific to determine your own business and develop the business to become a business that could improve your life in the future.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Graphic Design Animation

Before I discuss the definition of animated graphic design, it's better we are  understanding the first definition about graphic design itself, according to my understanding  graphic design is a solid technologi artwork is applied in the form of visual communication that should have comprehensive impact, so that the public or consumers understand the message that is displayed by the designer. So as to provide information on target and try to form a visual message should be as interesting may thus make consumers curious and wanted to try the product or service being offered.

In the field of graphic design required a designer to create a design that is as attractive as possible image so that the design has been created in the form of visual communication is capable of being a message that makes consumer interest and focus on the message that has been made so that the target will be achieved as the company wants. To achieve all the necessary visual skills, image processing, layout, typography, photography and others.

Ok.... now we directly to the theme of the beginning of what graphic design animation, according to my graphic design animation is a series of still images are made one by one according to a sequence of images that after so then combined using a specific time duration so the order the image combined and executed will look like live cartoon in
television or the theatre as we often see for this is what is called animation.

To generate a good artistic value and appreciated by the public are required for animation designer create a visual image that is unique and never before it. so community who will see to feel curious and want see it. So that ideas, concepts, solicitation to the public would get the message.

As befits the information conveyed in oral form that can be delivered explicitly, cheerful, hard, soft, jokes, formal and so forth, using style and sound volume adjusted. We can feel myself after reading writing, viewing photos or illustration, if your inner atmosphere affected the animation designer the already managed to make a good and quality work.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Airbrush Graphic Design

Airbrush graphic design is a drawing technique using a special tool that is called sprayer The drawing technique is divided into two parts, namely the realist airbrush technique and graphics airbrush technique.

Realist airbrush technique is technique with the advanced 3-dimensional elements such as shape real of an object or animal and humans as a form of which is used as the object, which was made exactly the same as its original form, but by using media images as raised
with a variety of color combinations with construction techniques that require special skills.

Graphic airbrush technique is a technique of painting or drawing using graphic design
abstract contemporary techniques and all techniques used to use directional lines or unfocused. Using a graphic airbrush technique easier process compared the realist airbrush techniques.

Why do I say the use of graphic airbrush techniques more easily than realist airbrush technique its ok I demonstrated realist airbrush let me see: Prepare the dashboard of a car that has been painted in basic colors: white, prepare a cutter, adhesive paper, metal ruler, airbrush sprayer, compressor and paint (black, red, blue).

The first way: cut the tape with cutter with a width of 8cm and 70cm long or according to your needs, then stick the tape which has been cut to a car dashboard with graphical techniques you can own creations to your liking, wait for the paint to dry and if it is dry-land unplug milking adhesive paper to complete.

You can also use the tip of a thin gradation drawing area for even better views design drawings ... regards

Sunday, May 17, 2015

3 Factors of Production in Printing

Factors of Labor
In the world of printing demand of labor is input to the production process of goods and services, and labor will get a reward because of labor services it. Market  formed due to supply and demand for labor. Demand for labor will manufacturer and supply of consumer power work raises the labor market.

Factors Land
One other important factor in the printing is the land, a label printing company require land to build a factory or an office, in order to make the process of production. There are two ways how the companies gaining ground, is to buy the land or the hire of consumers. The value of the land in accordance with the characteristics of the soil and location, for example, land rated high because of its fertility, its strategic location, or mineral content contained therein.

Capital Factors
Capital is defined as goods produced in an economic system, which is used as an input to produce goods or services in the future production. Yet today experience a sense of expansion capital. Something that the user can generate a profit continuous future be referred to as capital gain. For example, money spent for both the production process from the employer or a loan, can be referred to as capital.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Behavior and Ethics Graphic Design Manufacturer in the World

Behavior Manufacturers
A printing-based manufacturing business can only work well when run by the manufacturer or that we often refer to as the entrepreneur (Entrepreneur), Entrepreneur is people looking for profitable opportunities and take risks necessary to plan and managing a business.

Different entrepreneur with a small business owner or manager. If only have a business and just trying to make a profit, then that person is then limited to the business owner. If the person it only regulates employee and using company resources for business, then people it is referred to as manager.entrepreneur more than two. Employers seeking to establish profitable company, locate and manage resources to start an advertising business.

To be successful an entrepreneur printing should be able to do the following four things:

1. Planning: Planning relevant in terms of the preparation of the strategy, business plan and vision company, he must know what he wanted to achieve and how to achieve that goal.

2. Organizing: all available resources should be he managed to reach the goal well its natural resources, and human capital.

3.Guide: In order for the plan to materialize, employers are required to direct and guide his men.

4. Control: This ability has something to do with how the results of the implementation of the work, in accordance with the plan or changed at all.

Ethics Manufacturers
What is the purpose of a producer in the attempt? The answer is "Money". This is a big reason
why a producer or entrepreneur will make every effort to work day and night, but unfortunately
Not all entrepreneurs are using ethical way to achieve this goal, there are entrepreneurs who tried to bribe officials to expedite business, There are companies that have the heart to pollute
environment and there are companies that take produce as much as much and if crops The already depleted then they go.

Various cases this makes people often question the ethical issues. Ethics is different from the law. Law is government regulations that we must follow, while ethics is more to the awareness of individuals to respect others.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Definition The Company and The Consumer in the World Graphic Design

Household production or also called company or manufacturer, Company in the world
Graphic Design is a group of people who make and supply needs in terms of making sticker, sticker greenhouse, offset, packaging and so on.

Overall, the role of household production in economic activities is as follows:

1. Producers: namely household production that produces goods or services required by household consumption as well as product sales abroad.

2. Users Factor: to be able to produce goods and services, the company needs various factors of production of natural resources or raw materials, capital, labor and expertise Companies get factors of production of household consumption, and for the company the cost in the form of payments to household consumption in the form of rent, wages, capital interest or the distribution of profit. A company that produces results sticker printing, packaging and other will search for raw materials in the form of sticker material, vinyl and other papers, and he also takes the workers who can produce sticker shapes and packaging design that is perfect, for it  the companies courage to sacrifice to make the payment of salaries to its employees.

3. Development Agent: Agent means is helper, meaning domestic production, while agents development has an idea that household production that helps the government in development activities, such as employment opportunities, build infrastructure, employee welfare, enhance human resources and so on.

4. Household consumption: which is commonly referred to as consumers, consumers are households undertake activities to meet the needs of consumption, household consumption of goods and services requires which by the manufacturer, acquired Reception household consumption of household production are wages, rent, and earnings, will be spent and channeled back to the manufacturer. This expenditure is called the "cost of consumption"
besides household consumption is a supplier of production factors such as raw materials, capital, labor, skill.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Web Design Definition

You've probably amazed at the look of a website that you visit on the Internet, In Cyberspace is the layer you will definitely see a lot of various kinds of interesting sites and interactive. Has it ever crossed your mind can create your own website with your hands? If the answer is 'yes' then you are right in my personal blog and continue learn and read and practiced directly on your computer.

If at any time you can create a great web site with his own hands, then you will be happy and proud with the results of your own work, in addition, your ability to make Web sites can be brought promising livelihood, It is not an impossible thing to happen.

Nowadays many web design company that offers a high salary for a web designer So, not surprisingly, particular among the profession as a web designer to be one a profession that is much desired dream today.

At least there are two important conditions that help you become a web designer, namely talent that stand in the manufacture of graphic arts and in choosing the right web design program maker. now has a presence in front of you, frontpage program designed specifically to realize your wish ...

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Glance Digital Printing

Digital printing has the sense that the process of printing an image which is processed instantly through computer media to the paper or other material without having to go through producing films, while this has been overwhelming and almost the entirety of all companies in the world use digital printing for printing applications that are used for the purposes of the data or their products.

Here I will define the types of machines used for manufacturing process digital printing including:

Digital printing machines that use raw materials of ink or more popularly called inkjet, the ink can be inserted directly into the printer and the ink is also a wide variety of types including pigments, UV inks, solvent inks, offset inks and others.

1. The ink pigment

Is a liquid-based ink which is used for photo purposes and results which could be very good because the pigment is able to produce color light and deficiency of pigment itself which pictures or images produced do not hit the water or direct sunlight because the color will fade and opaque and solutions to mitigate them so that the color remains excellent wear laminating.

2. Solvent Inks

Oil-based ink solvent, the characteristics of this solvent ink is stronger rather than pigment ink because it is more robust and not easily washed by water and sunlight and used for printing banners, billboards or giant banners.

3. UV Ink

Special ink drying process using ultraviolet rays, so the ink can dry immediately on the spot and can be used to media glass, vinyl, wood, and cloth.

4. Offset Inks

The inks are required to use the media that is supporting the film or plate and process direct  a computer media directly, usually have very good offset inks used for theraw material of paper or plastic.

Hopefully useful ... regards

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Sticker Cutting Machine

Nowdays a lot of the latest innovations emerging from the  sticker cutting machine which
quickly cut sticker with perfect quality, the unit price is cheaper and a lot of various kinds of brands at competitive prices, this machine comes with more Sophisticated and modern, designed with a higher quality than previous products which is tailored to the tastes of the market is also a need for speed and accuracy of product resulting.

Do not need a lot of tools to run this machine sticker required only one device computer, sticker cutting plotter and the necessary materials such as vinyl and others, the price of this machine is more expensive than digital sticker printing machine, but the results obtained from the sticker machine and the quality is better because of the level of complexity of the process of making the sticker and the time required for the process making longer than the sticker with machine-making process digital printing.

So it is suitable for companies or individuals who engaged in the world and label printing
advertising to have a sticker cutting machine, because in addition to professionalism also results better so that consumers are satisfied with the results obtained from the sticker because the The most important of the quality of work that professional attitude and quality of goods The manufacturer produced that meet the customer satisfaction element itself.

Hopefully this article can help the readers about the definition and understanding of the working of the cutting system sticker machine .... greetings.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Sandblast Sticker And Windows Film

Nowadays a lot of companies that provide manufacturing of window film and stickers
so it can be ascertained sticker design competition in the world will be increasingly tight, coupled with the online technology facilities increasingly widen the rate of business competition in the world.

With growing technology and advanced design makes the field's cutting sticker important for us to know and explore the benefits and usability required, nor with glass film and stickers that you need to understand it.

Sandblast window film is very well used in the office or high-rise building that serves to
counteracting the heat of direct sunlight attack by 99% and for the moment it can be easily obtained anywhere.

There are a variety of excellent products from this film include:

1. Window film for offices, buildings, schools, hospitals, apartments and others.

2. Sticker sandblast, sticker dim and others

3. Glass clear film, and a clear safety glass used for safety glass in order
avoid accidents when glass breaks.

4. Glass artistic film that presents certain unique motifs and also window film substitutes
glass engraving.

5. The heat-resistant films such as V-kool 3M and others.

6. Glass black film, anti-glare window film and window film is one way

Sandblast sticker is a sticker that has special characteristics that the texture is used for glass coat to maintain privacy in every room, there are many motif of sticker sandblast like stripes, gingham, motif ornaments good to attract attention and add to the privacy inside and outside the room. And more importantly sandblast sticker can also be used as cutting sticker can be used for logos or writings.

Hopefully this article can help readers who are looking for information the window film and sandblast sticker .... greetings.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Understanding the Basic Design of Packaging

 Packaging design is a wrapper that is intended to incorporate the goods or products in order
not easily damaged so that the products can be durable because of the presence of The packaging of goods that have been wrapped / inserted into the packaging design will reduce friction, collisions of other hard objects, and for industrial products used as a place of production so as to facilitate the storage and transport of goods.

Packaging design can also function as a vehicle for the promotion of a product because of design The packaging can stimulate or appeal to buyers because of the color and decorations contained in the packaging design.

In the world of graphic design packaging design indispensable role in protecting all
characteristic of the product itself and also as an attraction for the consumer due to design
the graphics are very instrumental in terms of lay out design of the product that can be customized according to the taste of the manufacturer and also can improve the quality of the product, as good or whether or not the quality of the product was first seen by consumers, namely the design of packaging it and the materials used are already contained in the packaging design.

Packaging can be classified as follows

Lay out sistem packaging

Primary packaging: the packaging materials that can directly accommodate foodstuffs such as wrap meat, drinks bottles and cans packaging.

Secondary packaging: packaging used to protect other packaging such as cardboard boxes, container of milk cans, wooden boxes for fruits and others.

Tertiary packaging: packaging that is used to back up the primary and secondary packaging normally used for the transport of goods means that product packaging can be protected.

The nature of the packaging material

1. Packaging rigid: the  basic packaging materials that are as hard as wood, glass, metal etc.

2. Packaging and flexible: packaging materials that are basic practices such as flexible plastic, paper foil and others.

3. Packaging semi rigid / semi flexible: packaging materials that have the nature of semi-rigid and flexible such as plastic materials and materials in the form of pasta.

Similarly, a glimpse of the packaging design may help the knowledge of the
readers of this blog ... regards

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Definition Packaging and Label Design

Packaging and label design is an important factor in introducing branding your business, as well as features or identification in a company so different from other similar companies. Through label The product design company can give on information relating by brand, production code, instructions for use, quality, and legality of the product.

No matter if the product is owned by the company's own brand  that comes with the product label. because it is definitely customer will know and recognize these products so as not to be easily turned to other similar products, because they already feel the benefits of these products so that they believe in the product, and that Equally important to the packaging and label design, The consumers can distinguish between the company's products with products competitors.

The consumer today is very clever and has a pattern of very critical of the products they consume, and from personal research that there are 6 things that are often considered by consumers when they read the labels of processed products include:

1. Name processed foods
2. The name and address of the manufacturer or distributor
3. Net
4. The production code
5. Expired
6. The registration number of food

Actually there is no fixed rule in the labeling of a product packaging however, there are important things you should know when we make a packaging and label design in order to get good results and automatically can increase sales of their products.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Label Printing Product

Label Printing Product is the process of making a product label that is used to print product barcodes applied in the form of stickers or other, with this product's barcode all prices
of a product can be inserted into this barcode and applied via a barcode scanner.

The product used for label printing process of this product is that the current barcode printer
the average of all product barcode printers with any brand already compatible with all
software / application supporting, and usually also have the function of the lay out and print
barcode examples such as bee accounting and others.

Sometimes there are some companies that do not want to be difficult to hold barcode printer applications for his company usually they are looking for partners who provide services to
print product labels with a barcode so that they are not too difficult to enter
the price of the products because it has been incorporated by the recipients of these services.

From year to year as the development of an increasingly modern era, the label printing is
good solution to enter the price of products to make it more simple and efficien because all
it has ready by the application system called label printer, and hopefully future there are many actual innovation-innovation can be answer  challenges in this the digital era.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Cutting Sticker Definition

Cutting Sticker is a technique of cutting sticker design or image with techniques tailored to the specific design desired by the customer, and material often used for the manufacture of cutting sticker itself among material Texture, Scotlight and vinyl where these materials is intended for the manufacture of cutting sticker, sticker where the technique of making itself very stressed to Pattern design and customized colors upon customer request.

Functions of Cutting Sticker
Usually used by a company for the purposes of their company and to Ads promote their business to the public or other companies associated with the company's business, where cutting sticker design can be in paste in glasses, interior walls, billboards, neonbox, private vehicles, and can also for promotion of our own.

Why should the sticker?
Because the sticker is used in accordance with the wishes of the customer and materials
used more durable compared to other similar materials, and not least because the material used is more durable than the hot sun and rain, and the color will not fade due
printing does not use ink.

The materials used materials
There are several kinds of materials used for the manufacture of cutting sticker including:
Vinyl, Scotlight, Glitter, Dry Carbon and Tranparant. And most often used is the type Scotlight because these materials can be reflect light that looks sparkling.

Hope can help the reader understanding what it was cutting sticker itself, and thank
you for taking your reading this simple article ... greetings.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

History of Graphic Design

The beginning of the graphic design knowledge no one knows exactly how many years, just for science education in graphic design was influenced by the origin of Englishman Henry Cole, he was the first to influence the government that there needs to be a design for the Journal of Design and Manufacture, and upon presentation before the government he managed to get support, and in a short time he directly held The Great exhibition.

And in the early 20th century a printing company William Morris Kelmscott to publish a book by graphic design and Morris also separating graphic art with fine art, and the first book to use the term graphic design on the cover popularized by Raffe's Graphic Design and this occurred roughly a year 1927.

After World War II, the need will increase sharply due to the graphic design when it is needed once the advertising and manufacturing of packaging products, which in turn forced the experts in the science of typography to do this in order to be realized immediately because at that time it was needed once the advertising to support economic order back stretch after the war, and unexpectedly altogether displacement of the German Bauhaus school who moved to chicago united state brings great influence to the design in the United States alone and this lasts approximately 1937.

Such is my brief review of the history of graphic design knowledge we use today and over the development of modern technology, the scope of graphic design itself increasingly broad and varied, may be of little help readers insight on the history of the science of graphic design

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Offset Machine

Besides cutting sticker we also provide services of making art paper, brochure, duplex, carton and so on with the following supporting engine facility.

Offset machine

Has a very high speed is 6000 sheets / hour, and capable four-color printing directly from duplex materials, Ivory, art carton, art paper, HVS, and stickers assorted maximal size 90x104cm.

Expose machine Plat
With the machine we can expose exposing the plate itself so make the efficiency of time required in the production process so that will be completed more quickly.

Finishing machine
Vernish machine UV Water Base greatly assist us in the process of finishing.

To be able to harmonize the demands of the development of technology
business challenges in the areas of industrial sticker, label, we follow the principle of
basic management flexible and environmentally friendly.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Cutting Sticker Machine

Cutting Sticker has several machines that can support them and finish the job.

Intermittent Machine
This machine has the advantage, able to print

stickers to label 7 colors, 
Suitable for all types

 of materials that produce quality 
very prima

equipped with machine lamination varnish and machinery ponds, 
so that the resulting product can be shipped immediately.

Rotary Machine

This machine has the advantage to print sticker labels, hot stamping / poly lamination screen printing.

flatbed machine
This machine has a fairly high efficiency is suitable for sticker label, degradation / separation and hot stamping with the ability 5 color print.

Flexo machine
This machine is capable of printing full color label sticker in computeries with the ability to print up to seven colors.

Die Cutting Machine
This machine is capable of producing sticker labels in sheet form or roll.

Sliting machines Jumbo
Sliting machine is able to cut different types of materials that size 
greatly simplify and speed up the work so as to satisfy customer.

Early Introduction

Hallo ... introduce me Dayat Ruchiyat, AMd, this time I worked in ones of a private company engaged in Advertising and Label, exactly a cutting sticker printing, and I had 17 years to pursue the field of graphic design setting this sticker,

Actually it's printing ones job opportunities are very promising if we pursue this field is painstaking, because in addition we can work in our company can also side jobs both in the online and offline world, the online world example we could create work for the creation of a logo, banners etc. and we could offer to the sites that provide sales logo and banner of the online world

And I created this blog for future generations who want to make the setting sticker logo or banner by using the three applications, and I use a video application for the system of making the drawing, so that the Netter beginners easy to follow system featuring tool-making with any tools were used and how the end of the manufacturing process, hopefully this blog can be useful for beginners who want to advance into designer sticker so that it can be a powerful graphic designer in the art ... regards